Recently liberated from a notorious girl's reform school.
The rough and tumble Rika is having a difficult time finding her way.
After quitting her latest dead end job, she wanders the streets. Her tom boy demeanor catching the attention of an employee from bar Murasaki. A invariable hot bed of reform school girls, past and present.
Even the bar's owner, Umeko was a former school girl delinquent.
Already having so many things in common. Many of the girl's quickly bond with one another. Only to find that their homestead is being eyed for purchase by Umeko's sleazy uncle, Ohba. A man who has no qualms in sinking to new lows to ensure that his niece has no choice but to sell her beloved bar.
Looking for the perfect opportunity to betray Umeko. Ohba finds his chance after one of Murasaki's girls, Mari finds that her sister Bunny has been kidnapped for stealing a large amount of Ohba's recent drug purchase.
Thankfully, no self respecting bad girl would stand for such treachery.
This title may be light on skin and erotic scenarios. Ultimately it makes up for that with it's inclusion of many Sukeban film staples. Including dangerously beautiful women, glorious girl fights, 70s fashion, and glimpses of Tokyo night life.
Availability: This film can be found as a double feature with Girl Boss Revenge (1973)
or it can be purchased on it's own.
Price: On it's own (11-20$) and as a double feature (16-24$)
Screen Captures: (No copyright infringement intended!)

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